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Did Jeffrey Dahmer Kill His Grandma? How Was The Serial Killer’s Relationship with His Grandmother?

Did Jeffrey Dahmer Kill His Grandma? How Was The Serial Killer's Relationship with His Grandmother?

Did Jeffrey Dahmer kill his grandma? A lot of people wonder if he did after they came to know of his living situation with his grandmother after the release of Netflix’s Monster: The Jeffrey Dahmer Story. But she was the only person to whom Jeffrey Dahmer showed affection which meant that he was fond of her. He never killed his grandma. 

Netflix‘s Monster: The Jeffrey Dahmer Story has brought a new perspective (of the victims) in the retelling of the gruesome murders committed by one of the most psychotic and evil serial killers that the world ever saw. It also showed some human side of the impassive killer Jeffrey Dahmer who saw men as objects and not as people and delved a bit into his time in the military.

It was noted by everybody how he was fond of his parents even though they neglected him a lot in his childhood and he also showed affection to his grandma, which was quite an unusual thing for him who was quite shy and reserved. He even lived some time with his grandmother Catherine Hughes.

Some people wonder, “Did Jeffrey Dahmer kill his grandma?” because there is a possibility that Catherine might have found out about Dahmer and his killings while they were living together. But all the murders Jeffrey Dahmer confessed to were of men and boys and he never killed his grandma.

Did Jeffrey Dahmer Kill His Grandma?

Jeffrey Dahmer did not kill his grandma.

Even though he lived with his grandmother, he did not kill women, especially not his family, and all his victims were male. Following the release of the 10-episode series Monster: The Jeffrey Dahmer Story, people are curious to know more about the serial killer’s grandma who he lived with for some time. They are wondering if she knew or not about his ways. And if she did, did Jeffrey Dahmer kill his grandma?

So, Jeffrey Dahmer lived most of his life with her, or at least he lived most of his criminal life with his grandmother. She had to have known what her grandson had been doing in her home all along which could have endangered her life as that could have led Dahmer to possibly kill his grandma to not give away his cover. Or was she really unaware of what was happening where she lived?

Well, as the grandma says, she was not aware of what was going on, so she was never an accomplice maybe that’s why Jeffrey Dahmer didn’t kill her but maybe even if she knew, the criminal would not have killed her because as monstrous as he is, he is said to always have shown some fondness for his grandmother. He was completely emotionless for most of his life, but he did love his parents and he also was fond of his grandma.

After Jeffrey Dahmer was discharged from his military services in 1981, he went back to Ohio and began living with his father and stepmother. Though, in the beginning, he showed every sign of being a proper adult and asked for his share of chores to do around the house to help them, later on, as time went on, he began to relapse into his drinking condition and was eventually arrested for drunk and disorderly conduct.

Jeffrey Dahmer’s father then decided that it would be in his son’s best interest that he go live with his grandma. Who knew that it could have possibly created a scene where he would have to kill grandma? Fortunately, the grandmother remained in dark about his deeds, albeit a little suspicious she was, then and now.

In December 1981, Jeffrey Dahmer was sent to live with his grandma Catherine Hughes in West Allis, Wisconsin. It is said that the grandmother was the only family member and possibly, the only person to whom the psychotic murderer displayed any affection. So, his father was hoping when he sent his son to live with his grandmother that her influence and the change of scenery might encourage him to quit drinking and live a responsible life.

In the beginning, Jeffrey Dahmer enjoyed living with his grandma and their living arrangements were harmonious. He accompanied her to church, willingly undertook chores, and abided by most of her house rules although he never quit drinking and smoking. He even got his own job as a phlebotomist at the local Milwaukee Blood Plasma Center.

But slowly he spiraled again and that job he got, he only held on to for a total of 10 months before he was let go. He then remained unemployed for over two years, during which he lived upon whatever money his grandmother gave him. Thankfully, for his grandma, he never snapped and killed her. Well, not her but others weren’t so lucky.

By 1987, Jeffrey Dahmer was back to doing what he loved doing the most. Killing men and ra*ing their corpses and committing homicide. And for that, he put his grandmother’s basement to gruesome use. He never killed her but brought over a lot of people who he killed.

His second victim Steven Tuomi, he killed in a hotel room but he transported the body to his grandma Catherine Hughes’ house where he dismembered it a week later. He murdered and dismembered three more victims in his grandmother’s basement. And though Catherine could not exactly say what was wrong, she was growing more and more uncomfortable having her grandson in the house.

One time, Jeffrey Dahmer lured another young man to his house who he opted to not kill because he heard his grandma call, “Is that you, Jeff?” Although he made it seem like he was alone, Catherine could not help but feel that there was something going on with some other person.

Catherine eventually grew sick of Dahmer’s late-night antics. She did not like his habit of bringing young men to her house late at night who would go on to disappear from his life without any trace. And not to mention the foul stench coming from the basement where he spent most of his time was unbearable. So, in 1988, she put her foot down and the grandma forced his grandson to move out.

Jeffrey Dahmer moved out but came back again before he left for good in 1990. He continued his crimes but he never killed his grandma as many people seem to think because he lived with her.

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