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Does Ariana Grande Have Cancer? Is She Sick? What’s Up With Her Hair Loss?

Does Ariana Grande Have Cancer? Is She Sick? What's Up With Her Hair Loss?

Does Ariana Grande have cancer? Is the superstar sick? Does she have some kind of illness? What’s the reason for her hair loss? That’s what fans began to wonder after they noticed that the singer had undergone a drastic weight loss and she looked very frail and unhealthy at her current weight and bald as well. However, there’s no evidence that suggests that Ariana Grande has cancer. Some people think she looks that way because of an eating disorder and her vegan diet.

Ariana Grande is currently on an unofficial hiatus from music. That means she is taking a break from being in the spotlight as well. Right now, she’s keeping herself occupied with things other than music like acting. However, fans need not miss her being in the limelight because even though she’s maintaining a low profile these days, she has not completely disappeared from the public eye.

The superstar frequently posts on social media and gives her fans updates about herself. So, though she’s not releasing and promoting any album at the moment, for her followers, it may not seem like she has been away. Anyway, Ariana Grande’s active on social media and shares pictures of herself which is something that she might be regretting because of how things have turned out.

What happened was that the recent pictures the Dangerous Woman hitmaker posted on Instagram revealed that she has undergone a drastic weight loss. Because the difference in her body was too dramatic to not be noticed, fans are talking about it on social media and most of the discussion is about how people are too concerned for her as she looks very sickly and thin.

People think her weight loss is too drastic and unhealthy and some suspect that she got that skinny because she has cancer. They believe that Grande has some kind of illness that she’s hiding because that body can’t possibly belong to a healthy person, it has to be someone sick. So, does Ariana Grande have cancer? Is she really sick? Let’s find out!

Previously, we touched on the stories of Ariana Grande shaving her head and Jonathan Majors’ daughter.

Does Ariana Grande Have Cancer? Does She Have Some Kind of Illness? Why Does She Look So Skinny?

Ariana Grande (@arianagrande) most likely isn’t thrilled that people are taking way too much of an interest in the pictures of herself that she shared on Instagram, for her own liking. But what’s done is done. She posted the photo, her followers noticed that she had a drastic weight loss and looked very sick like she had some illness. Now, some of them believe that she has cancer.

Ariana Grande looks too skinny in recent pictures, which has led to cancer speculations.
Ariana Grande looks too skinny in recent pictures, which has led to cancer speculations.
Image Source: Yahoo News UK

Because Ariana Grande’s fans seriously cannot think of anything that explains the dramatic and shocking weight loss the Into You crooner had, they are beginning to suspect that she has cancer. Her recent hair loss doesn’t help on that one. The social media has been taken over by people who have developed weight and health concerns about her after seeing her photos.

There’s no denying that Ariana Grande looks extremely thin compared to before but the scrutiny might be getting too much for her because fans are getting too intrusive about her health condition. Someone on Lipstick Alley noted that you don’t usually see the ribs on the sternum protrude in a naturally skinny woman and if you do, they are probably malnourished and starved or have some kind of illness such as cancer.

Ariana Grande is believed to be going through some kind of health crisis.
Ariana Grande is believed to be going through some kind of health crisis.
Image Source: British Vogue

People are scared because she’s gotten too skinny that you can literally see her bones through her skin. That kind of extreme change in her appearance is definitely not considered normal. Ariana Grande is really too underweight and, because fans are convinced that is not what a healthy 30-year-old looks like, they surmise that: either she is suffering from an eating disorder and is anorexic or she is going through something, some illness like cancer.

A lot of her fans think that Ariana Grande getting that skinny when she was already slim and small in the first place is a sign of her declining health. They believe that the reason for her weight loss is some undisclosed medical condition like hyperthyroidism or cancer that she is suffering from silently. After all, she does not look just thin but incredibly frail and sickly as well.

 Some of her fans believe Ariana Grande is suffering from an eating disorder.
Some of her fans believe Ariana Grande is suffering from an eating disorder.
Image Source: Parade

Though the majority of the fans agree that Ariana Grande has gotten too skinny and appears sickly because of some medical condition like cancer, some of them want people to refrain from making any unkind comments about her body because the same thing happened to Chadwick Boseman. He had gotten too thin and people mocked him for not maintaining himself which later turned out to be cancer.

While some thought that The Way vocalist was sick and had cancer, others thought that Ariana Grande had an eating disorder. Some fans argued that she only looked that way because she has gone completely vegan on the diet and she drinks a lot of caffeine.

Despite what people might think, there’s no evidence that suggests that the pop icon looks that way because of cancer, an eating disorder, or her vegan diet. And you know what she said. In the latest TikTok video she made, she didn’t disclose why she had gotten so incredibly skinny, she just told her fans to not comment on others’ bodies because you never know what they might be going through.