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Hunter Biden’s Teeth: What Happened to It?

Hunter Biden's teeth had decayed because of drug addiction but now, he's gotten veneers. houseandwhips.com

Hunter Biden’s teeth once created headlines and generated more controversy than his nudes. President Joe Biden’s son had just released a memoir detailing the years he spent on crack and alcohol in 2021 when the pictures of him with his damaged teeth leaked on the internet as if to provide evidence for his drug addiction. Hunter Biden now has veneers and a much better dental hygiene.

Hunter Biden is an American attorney and a businessman whom you probably recognize more as the son of President Joe Biden. He’s been a hedge fund, venture capital, and private-equity fund investor and he’s also worked as a lobbyist, banker, public administration official, and registered lobbyist-firm attorney but he’s known more for his controversy than for his work.

In 2021, thousands of his private texts and emails leaked along with some pictures and videos on the internet. The most controversial among those were probably the nudes and the pictures that showed his damaged teeth. The whole thing was even more scandalous in the light of the tell-all memoir which he had just released a few days prior to that, which went into detail about his drug addiction and promiscuity. Hunter Biden generated a lot of discussion about him regarding his teeth back then and looks like we are right back at it.

Previously, we touched on the stories of Drake’s BBL Face and Nicole Wallace.

Hunter Biden’s Teeth: How Did It Decay?

Is it 2021 because Hunter Biden‘s teeth and nudes have made it to the headlines again and the internet is once again discussing his dental hygiene and naked pictures?

Hunter Biden's teeth decayed as a result of his crack addiction. 
houseandwhips.comHunter Biden’s teeth decayed as a result of his crack addiction. 
Image Source: The US Sun

I knew it was headed that way when Rep. Marjorie Taylor Greene publicly displayed some hardcore nude pictures of Hunter Biden during a hearing of the House Oversight and Accountability Committee because according to her, they were necessary supporting evidence in an alleged tax fraud coverup. (He just pleaded guilty to two minor tax crimes last month.) Tax fraud seems to be a much bigger issue but once again, the discussion turned to be about Biden’s bad teeth like in 2021.

In 2021, President Joe Biden‘s son published his autobiography titled Beautiful Things in which he opened up about his battle with alcohol and drug addiction and described his controversial personal life, giving details about the countless sexual encounters he had with multiple women. And right as if on cue and to corroborate his addiction and promiscuity, photos of Hunter Biden’s drug-ravaged teeth and a raunchy scene with a woman emerged a few days later.

He has gotten veneers now and his dental hygiene is much better now. But it was not always like that and the pictures leaked as if in supporting evidence of what he described in his memoir on his years as a drug addict. The photos showed him with his bad teeth while he was sitting in a dentist’s chair. There were also pictures of him grinning with his veneers as he pulled on the hair of a scantily clad woman. But it was his bad teeth that got all the attention.

Hunter Biden’s Bad Teeth and His Drug Issues!

Hunter Biden had spent years on crack and alcohol and all that time had decayed and ruined his teeth. Those shocking pictures which were reportedly obtained from his laptop, which allegedly held more than 250,000 text messages, and emails along with some private photos and videos reflected his controversial lifestyle and troubled past.

Photos of Hunter Biden's bad teeth were obtained from his laptop which he left at a repair shop. houseandwhips.comPhotos of Hunter Biden’s bad teeth were obtained from his laptop which he left at a repair shop.
Image Source: CNN

That controversy could have been so easily avoided if he had just returned for the laptop which he left at a computer repair shop at his father’s home state in Delaware. If only he had not abandoned his laptop containing the evidence of his drug addiction and family strife, his privacy would not have been invaded and those embarrassing pictures of his damaged teeth would not have leaked.

Hunter Biden no longer has the same bad teeth, he has gotten veneers, and it does not seem like a big deal now. But at the time, it was very scandalous in the light of the details of his drug abuse. In the memoir, he had opened up about his drug addiction which was at its peak when his father was Vice President in the Barack Obama administration between 2009 and 2017. He also gave several interviews where he talked about how he used crack and alcohol and barely slept after his brother Beau died from brain cancer in 2015.

Hunter Biden’s crack addiction decayed and ruined his teeth and the pictures that emerged shortly after the release of the memoir showed that. He seemed to have really bad dental hygiene then. Now, he looks much better with his new veneers.