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Eric Andre Weight Gain: What’s Up With His Weight Fluctuation?

Eric Andre underwent a weight gain of 40 pounds for the fifth season of his show. houseandwhips.com

Eric Andre had a weight gain of 40 pounds for Season 5 of his Sunday night eponymous talk show. The comedian ate pizza, peanut butter and jelly sandwiches, and Piña coladas every night to get fat. Eric Andre lost that weight for the next season only to have weight gain again immediately after filming for the show.

If you have watched The Eric Andre Show, then you must be aware of the fact that the comedian is habituated to going to physical extremes for his show. Eric Andre takes his job of comedy very seriously, and in pursuing laughs from people, he pushes his body to the extreme that would make professional stuntmen think twice. As he puts it, he tries to go incognito for the show and that usually includes him physically transforming to look different which is usually weight gain or weight loss.

Here’s everything to know about what he did for the weight gain he underwent for the fifth season of his show and what he had to do to undo it for the latest season!

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Eric Andre’s Weight Gain: What Did He Do To Put on Weight?

Eric Andre (@ericfuckingandre) underwent a weight gain of 40 pounds for the fifth season of The Eric Andre Show. He lost all that weight for the recent season only to undo all of his weight loss as soon as he finished filming.

Eric Andre had a weight gain of 40 pounds for the fifth season of his show. houseandwhips.comEric Andre had a weight gain of 40 pounds for the fifth season of his show.
Image Source: Vanity Fair

For the latest season of his Sunday night eponymous talk show, he went ripped. He went jacked and the six-month process he underwent to get buff was very hard unlike in the prior edition when he had weight gain and he did it by eating whatever he wanted. He had gained 40 pounds then. He decided to shed that for his show and for that, he had to ditch the fine cognac, hot Cheetos, and chocolate for bland pre-made meals.

The physical transformation was obviously great to look at but what Eric Andre had to do to lose weight and gain that shredded physique was grueling and tough. There’s something to be said about him stating that any middle-aged person with abs is either psychotic or unemployed because getting ripped was a full-time job. Maybe it would have been a little bit easier if his prior disguise for the show had not been a weight gain of 40 pounds. He would not have had to lose the 40 pounds he gained and just got started on his physique.

For the season before, the actor had put on weight to go incognito for his show and it had been remarkably easy because all he had to do to get fat was eat pizza and peanut butter sandwiches and pina coladas. He ballooned up to 218 pounds after the weight gain he had for Season 5. He weighed his lowest at 173 pounds for the latest season after he worked with three personal trainers for intense 90-minute sweat sessions every morning.

It was impressive how Eric Andre managed to pull off that significant weight loss because he had tried it before unsuccessfully. For season 4 of his show which aired in 2016, he tried to become as skinny as possible but he couldn’t get skinny as he wanted so, he ditched the disguise. That’s why he went with weight gain the next season. It was much easier but not as fun.

For the last season, I gained 40 pounds. This season, I got ripped and shredded up. Neither was fun. Getting fat, at first, is fun. I was eating pizza every night and peanut butter and jelly sandwiches and Piña coladas. But you start getting depressed. Getting ripped, you look good in the mirror and you’re happy with what you see but you’re hungry—and you can’t drink alcohol. You can’t really have fun. You have to eat in with every meal. You get these pre-made meals that become just boring and dreadful after a while. You can’t drink alcohol either.

Eric Andre Had Weight Gain Again After He Finished Filming Season 6 of His Show!

Eric Andre gained all the weight he lost after filming Season 6 of his show. houseandwhips.comEric Andre gained all the weight he lost after filming Season 6 of his show.
Image Source: Rolling Stone

Weight gain might not have been as fun for Eric Andre but he’s sure so natural at it because soon after he finished filming for the sixth season of his show and his purpose for disguise was fulfilled, he gained it all back. As he put it,

I’m not really a health nut. In fact, as soon as we wrapped, I went to Prince Street Pizza and I ate an entire pepperoni pizza. And then I went to Portugal and drank my weight in wine. I got back from the trip and stepped on the scale, and I undid six months of work in about three weeks.

Now, he weighs between 190 and 195 pounds and he’s over all the physical transformations. He has had enough experience with weight loss and weight gain to be doing any of that over again. He said,

I will never do a body modification again. Starving myself Season Four ended in failure because I was so exhausted that I couldn’t write. Getting fat was the most fun — it’s great at first, but then you’re miserable. … Then in Season Six, I got in shape. But getting into shape after the age of 21 is so much work that I snapped at the end.