Peggy Rose from MAFS 2023 has so obviously had plastic surgery. Even if there were no before and after pictures for comparison, anybody could tell that she is not without plastic surgery because she looks so unnatural that she could be a wax statue. The MAFS viewers think Peggy Rose has had Botox, fillers, an eyebrow lift, a nose job, and a chin implant.
If you have too many problems in your life at the moment and you would love to focus on other’s problems for a bit of a change, know that Season 8 of Married at First Sight UK (MAFS) is out and you can watch and laugh at the contestants’ awkwardness after getting married to a complete stranger and forget about your problems for a moment. Just watch them as they realize what they have gotten themselves into. The cast members are pretty interesting and have provided content worth discussing for hours.
The MAFS viewers especially have a very strong opinion about Peggy Rose. The technology risk partner from Kent has been deemed a red flag by a majority of the viewers. They also are not a fan of how the reality star admits that she’s always in the center of drama without acknowledging that she’s in the center of drama because she creates it. Also, they can’t stop talking about how fake she looks. Discussion about her looks also could go on for hours. But let’s delve into a quick read about Peggy Rose’s plastic surgery!
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Peggy Rose from MAFS Has Had Plastic Surgery and You Can’t Unsee That!
Peggy Rose (@peggyroseofficial) from MAFS 2023, according to the viewers of the show, has had plastic surgery including Botox, fillers, a nose job, a brow lift, and a chin implant.
Peggy Rose from MAFS is obviously not without plastic surgery.
Image Source: Wales Online
Don’t most of the contestants of Married at First Sight UK look very fake and unnatural this season? They give a kind of an influencer vibe that makes everything seem so fabricated. I mean, everything probably is but when people participating were regular ones like me and you, it didn’t seem that way. But it seems like most of them are already reality stars. We know that Peggy Rose is.
It didn’t take long for the MAFS viewers to find out that Rose was not new to reality shows. They were surprisingly quick to figure out that she was the Picky Peggy from the ITV’s dating show Take Me Out which aired back in 2012 considering that she looks nothing like she did back then. She used to sport jet-black long locks and now, she’s dyed her hair blonde. Oh, and by the way, she has had tons of plastic surgery.
Not that the reality star herself has ever confirmed it but you can see it in the dramatic change in her appearance in her before and after pictures and you can see it in how fake she looks, can’t you? She simply does not look like a regular person because she has had so much work done. Nothing about her looks natural, she looks so distorted and that’s how you can tell it’s plastic surgery.
Now, if you are thinking that Peggy Rose looks the way she does in MAFS because of makeup and has changed because she’s aged since Take Me Out, hear me out. Makeup only enhances your facial features, they don’t change the entire shape and structure of your face which is the case with Rose. Every single feature of hers looks different compared to before. Her eyes, her nose, her lips, her chin everything. Makeup and aging cannot make that happen, only plastic surgery can and it has.
Reddit Users on Plastic Surgery Procedures of MAFS’ Peggy Rose!
Now, since we have established that Peggy Rose from Married at First Sight UK has had plastic surgery, let’s talk about what procedures she has had…might have had. There have been many discussions on Reddit about how she does not look like the person she was when she was in Take Me Out. Also about how she looks way too old for her age. She’s 32 but she looks a decade older which is ironic considering, from the looks of her face, she has gone way overboard with Botox and fillers.
Peggy from MAFS hasn’t had the best plastic surgery.
Image Source: OK! Magazine
The MAFS viewers can’t seem to get over how badly she messed up her Botox and fillers which people usually get to look younger because of how much those procedures have aged her. She looks very frozen and stiff and her face looks so waxy that people would mistake her for a mannequin. That unnatural she appears. Also, it must be the fillers that have given her that creepy-looking flawless pillowy complexion.
Also, why did Peggy Rose think it a wise decision to get a brow lift? I mean, it could have been a good decision if the plastic surgery had given good results but it has made her eyes look smaller and as if she’s always squinting. She’s got those fox eyes now which does not help her looks. Her nose job is fine but her nose was fine before as well. It just wasn’t as narrow as the beauty standards dictated.
Besides that, the entire shape of her face looks different because her chin looks different. She didn’t have such a prominent and pointy chin on Take Me Out as she does now. You can see the chin implant just there. Not much of the plastic surgery she had is subtle. Most of the work she has had seems to be bad. She needs to get a new surgeon. Think it’s too late for that though.
Anyway, the point is that Peggy from MAFS has had plastic surgery, well, she has most likely had it. Until she speaks on it, we can’t confirm it but just take a look at her before and after picture and think for yourself.