Sam Prince’s Plastic Surgery: He Fits Influencer Aesthetics Perfectly Now!


Sam Prince's Plastic Surgery: He Fits Influencer Aesthetics Perfectly Now!

Sam Prince has sparked plastic surgery speculations with his new look. Fans have taken the fact that the Made in Chelsea star no longer looks baby-faced and is no longer brunette as he was in the first season he did to mean that he has had some cosmetic work to fit into the influencer aesthetics. Fans suspect that Sam Prince has had Botox if not other invasive plastic surgery.

Made in Chelsea is back again for a new season and fans couldn’t be more thrilled about its return. The E4 reality juggernaut is back for the 25th season and though it has been going on for more than a decade, viewers are still excited about the new drama that this season is promising that the previous seasons didn’t have. Even if nothing else, we have Sam Prince in this season who, by nature, is a big character and we can expect lots of relationship drama with him.

Not just that, we can also expect lots of plastic surgery speculations about him flooding social media because it’s not new. Ever since the reality star returned to Made in Chelsea in 2021 with a new look, fans have been imagining all sorts of cosmetic procedures he could have had. A lot of people think he has had Botox and a nose job. Let’s find out more about Sam Prince’s plastic surgery!

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Did Sam Prince Have Plastic Surgery? Fans Suspect The Made in Chelsea Actor Has Had Botox and a Nose Job!

Sam Prince (@samjprince) from Made in Chelsea allegedly had plastic surgery to fit into the influencer aesthetics. He supposedly had Botox and a nose job.

Sam Prince is suspected of having plastic surgery to look like an influencer. Sam Prince is suspected of having plastic surgery to look like an influencer.
Image Source: Reality Titbit

Sam Prince is one of the stars who had a massive transformation in terms of his looks. He first joined the show in its 13th season in 2017 and then stepped back for a while. He rejoined the show after four years in 2021 for its 22nd season and he had completely changed. Before he was very baby-faced and afterward, he looked very not like a baby and kind of like an influencer. It didn’t feel like normal aging to people who started suspecting that he had plastic surgery to look like that.

Now that Made in Chelsea is back for the 25th season and so is Sam Prince, fans have been reminded of how massively he has changed and of the stark difference in his appearance then and now. He was very young when he joined the show and he may have hit puberty and had a glow-up but then maybe not. Plastic surgery is not very uncommon in the circles of entertainers.

Some fans argued that it was just normal aging and that because he started sporting bleach blonde hair, people have begun to think he looks like an influencer and while it’s possible that Sam Prince might have lost the baby face because he was no longer 18, something about the transformation always feels like he had plastic surgery. His face feels very angular and inauthentic is how some Made in Chelsea viewers have put it.

It’s very true that Sam Prince’s new face looks very deliberate as if he chose that face because if it was natural, he would not look like that. Also, what’s up with his complexion by the way? Why does he look like a doll? Why so smooth? I get it, he’s so young and all but what kind of young person has that kind of waxy look to them? Isn’t one of the benefits of being young looking young and having no need to get Botox or any other plastic surgery for anti-aging purposes?

Sam Prince is believed to have had Botox because of his overly smooth skin texture. Sam Prince is believed to have had Botox because of his overly smooth skin texture.
Image Source: Digital Spy

Sam Prince doesn’t seem to have taken advantage of his youth and opted for Botox because no way does he look like he is natural. His complexion is not real. He’s way too smooth for a natural human. He had not even begun to need it and looks like he got it. Maybe getting into the entertainment industry makes you extremely conscious about your looks and then you get really weird about plastic surgery. Plus, Sam’s very young and can be easily influenced. Maybe he just hopped on the trend of getting Botox.

Or maybe not. Let’s consider the other side. Isn’t it possible that some of his fans have been overthinking and observing his looks way too closely and imagining things? Isn’t it possible that his face looks very smooth not because he had Botox but because he is young? He doesn’t really need plastic surgery so why would he get it? Maybe he didn’t. Maybe he didn’t get a nose job either as people have been suspecting.

Either way, we are never gonna know if Sam Prince had plastic surgery or not until he himself confirms or denies it and so far, he hasn’t. All those Botox speculations are just speculations that can be wrong or spot-on.